Business Development

Empowering Family-Owned Businesses

Prevent the Asset Rich & Cash Poor Syndrome

Create sustainable cash-flow that supports your lifestyle and break through any roadblocks so that you can preserve your wealth through multiple generations.

Poor Planning Creates a Myriad of Problems

Family businesses are a major growth driver in our society but the very dynamic on which they are built can cause family discord.  BGEI can help put a plan in place that will:

Quantify Investment Decisions

Determine if your assets are working for you now. Are you using your money to your best advantage or is most of your wealth tied up in things you own?

Specify the Appropriation of Profits

Define how the firm’s profits are divided and where or to whom they will go.

Outline Generational Transitions

Sustain dynamic progress across generations by finding an symmetry that leverages the best aspects of family and business.

Define Leadership Roles & Appointments

How are appointments made and who is designated to which role.

Ease Tensions

The consequences of disputes can be serious and even lead to the eradication of the family firm.

Business Development Services

We bring global experience, extensive training, a team of experts and first hand insight into the mechanics of business operations with a focus on family-owned businesses.

Family Business Advisory

Inter-disciplinary family and business management services, risk management assessments, and customized family office concierge services.

Educational & Enterprise Consultancy

Facilitation of family business seminars, workshops and conferences, provide consultancy services. Development of policies and procedures and continuity governance structures.

Financial Planning

Specialized financial literacy training for families in business.

Technology Applications Consultancy

We provide consultancy services in diversified innovative technologies, taking conceptual ideas through to marketable business applications and products. 

See how our other divisions can support your legacy planning.

Build a Successful Enterprise for Multiple Generations​

BGEI offers the services that will help you grow and the solutions that will ensure sustainability.

  • Function together harmoniously
  • Establish a shared family vision
  • Establish optimized governance structures
  • Develop financial planning strategies for long-term success

a Free Consultation

With a focus on family-owned businesses, our team is ready to provide advice to ensure sustainability for future generations. 

Ottawa, Ontario Canada
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At BGEI our focus is on providing family owned business with the supports they need. Every solution is tailored to your unique family dynamics and can include help in the following areas.

  • Business management services
  • Risk management assessments
  • Customized family concierge services
  • Family business seminars, workshops and conferences
  • Educational consultancy services
  • Sustainable family enterprise policies and procedures
  • Governance structures for family business


Phyllis Bourne

Founder and Chief Executive Director

Phyllis is the Founder and Chief Executive Director at BGEI. Her credentials equip her with the knowledge and experience to help but it’s her passion that really sets BGEI apart.

Advisor Team

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