Message from the Founder


Message from the Founder of Bourne Global Enterprises Inc

I am thrilled to be writing this message today as we celebrate twenty years and counting as a federally incorporated Family Enterprise. We have come a long way, through many ups and downs, twists and turns, family dramas, business upheavals but we have survived it all, and we thank the Almighty for His Grace and guidance through lots of adjustments, careful planning, building and managing relationships and keeping our focus on the long term goal of building generational legacies for business families and our communities. I want to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, staff, business partners, vendors, suppliers, supporters, stakeholders and family for being with us on this amazing journey up to this point. I will endeavour to build on our relationships to become stronger and stronger as we continue on through multiple generations.  We could not have done it without you!

As most of you have likely seen many times over, our tag line says we are “building legacies of value across generations”.  The central message here is that we are not just building any kind of legacies, we ensure the legacies are of value in order to bring a positive impact to the present and the future generations. It is a new season!  WE HAVE RE-BRANDED but our tag line stays the same and we are committed to make this a season of new beginnings, renewal, growth, stronger relationships and good health for all. 

We have all experienced over two years of the terrible COVID 19 pandemic which wreaked havoc on many family and business lives with lock down and stay-at-home orders causing many of us to pivot and find new ways of doing business managing through virtual processes and other creative means. Those were challenging and unsettling times especially with sudden loss of many family members whether due to COVID or other ill health, leaving a void in the hearts of many.  We were not spared either. I lost my older brother through kidney failure and his wife too, two weeks apart, and had to say good bye virtually. It was difficult so my heart goes out to all those families who suffered through a similar fate.  It is my prayer that the coming years will be a lot kinder to us all.  But, as the saying goes, “tomorrow is not promised” and this why I am even more motivated to reach more families in helping them build family harmony, organize their businesses and shared assets and put the necessary systems and structures in place to give them peace of mind now and create those lasting positive legacies which future generations can build on.  You can have a transformational positive impact not just for your family but for your community and the global village as a whole.

In the coming months we will be sharing stories, photos and videos of some of our past events as well as making new announcements about our multiple upcoming programs and projects we have in store that will benefit many enterprising families and their rising generation. These announcements will be made mainly through our social media channels on facebook , Instagram  and linkedIn, so make sure you connect with us and follow us.  Also subscribe to our corporate newsletter to stay informed and check out our blogs regularly.

Once again it is my privilege to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have travelled this journey with us.  Here’s to new beginnings. We look forward to greater things to come!

Phyllis Jesiwa Dadson Bourne

Founder, President & Ceo

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This update is provided as a courtesy for your general information and does not constitute legal advice. Every organization is unique and may also be subject to other laws not contemplated in this update. This update should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice which necessarily must be specific to your organization, your objects, your operations, and your structure. If you have any questions about this information please contact one of the lawyers listed above.


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